5 companies that dropped part-time employee health care

Originally  posted on https://ebn.benefitnews.com.

Just 25% of companies that offered employee health insurance made coverage available to part-time workers in 2013, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. That percentage will decline further with Walmart Stores Inc.’s announcement that it is dropping health insurance for part-time employees. Walmart joins a growing list of major retailers that have done the same.


Target announced in January 2014 that it was dropping coverage for part-time employees. The company said in a blog post that less than 10% of its total employee population participated in that plan.

Home Depot

The world’s largest home improvement retailer said in September 2013 that it was ending coverage for 20,000 part-time employees. Employees with fewer than 30 hours a week were no longer offered limited liability medical coverage, Bloomberg reported. At the time, 5% of the company’s 34,000 employees were enrolled in that plan.

Trader Joe's

In August 2013, the retailer sent a memo to staff that it was dropping coverage for part-timers, but giving them a check for $500 to find coverage through the public exchanges.

Forever 21

In August 2013, the retailer announced it was cutting some employees’ hours to 29.5 hours, or just under the 30 hour threshold at which the Affordable Care Act mandates coverage be provided. Forever 21 does not provide coverage to part-time employees. In a Facebook note, the company said the decision was made “independent of the Affordable Care Act” and that the change impacted less than 1% of all U.S. store employees.


On Oct. 7, the world’s largest retail chain said it plans to stop offering health benefits to employees who work less than 30 hours a week, or about 2% of its U.S. staff.


Taking an unconventional approach to wellness planning

Originally posted October 7, 2014 by Andy Stonehouse on https://ebn.benefitnews.com.

Benefits managers often find themselves stranded in no-man’s land when it comes to bringing wellness to a workplace. As a concept, wellness is a thriving and transformative experience for many employers, but justifying those costs – or adopting a wait-and-see attitude to measuring a wellness program’s success – is a difficult case to make with a company’s financial decision-makers.

In tracing the wellness success story of Elkay Manufacturing – whose wellness program saw a 76% reduction in major health issues among staff most likely to incur substantial health care costs, not to mention a projected increase in 2015 health care premiums limited to just 1.8% - some of the secret may lie in the unconventional approach taken by the company’s wellness champion.

Carol Partington, corporate manager of compensation and benefits with the 3,000-employee maker of sinks and water coolers – speaking at last week’s EBN Benefits Forum and Expo – said her company’s unimpressive early results with wellness required her to take a more straight-forward tack.

“You need to get leadership support to create an effective program, but you also don’t want to scare the hell out of senior management,” Partington says. “My approach was, ‘I know where I’m going, I’m just not telling everyone where we’re going yet.’ You also can’t be too aggressive; you need to put disciplined steps in place, and be willing to be flexible.”

And while most company executives need to be shown the hard facts before committing to any additional wellness spend, Partington says she simply admitted to her company’s leaders – a business founded in 1920 – that return on investment is often impossible to demonstrate in a wellness effort, opting to emphasize value of the investment instead. Rogue as that may seem, Elkay’s current wellness results – and its low anticipated health care cost increases – earned her the respect of her managerial team.

“We have a company that’s 70% manufacturing workers, in 15 locations across the country, two of which are unionized, and I don’t get a lot of time with people,” she notes. “But my job is to remove distractions from our employees’ lives – we work in a setting where people can lose body parts if they’re worried about their own health, their parents, their sick kids. How can I give them a solution that works?”

Elkay first adopted biometric testing-based wellness in 1994, offering a $25 incentive to employees to participant, but Partington says that the company so almost no results after 12 years, with the company still paying approximately $23 million a year on its employee health care plan. Partington said a high-deductible plan never fit into Elkay’s culture, and costs continued to escalate. Evan a $700 premium differential for employees who demonstrated better health results wasn’t the answer, she says.

“We asked our employees why they took part in the health screenings, and most said they were doing it just to get the premium. I realized we’d failed in our mission,” she notes. “And with no dedicated wellness staff at our company, wellness is only 15% of what I can pay attention to – it’s one of my many responsibilities.”

Partington opted to join forces with Interactive Health to introduce an evidence-based program that could seriously improve her employees’ health, especially those with the most potential health risks, as well as actively addressing those escalating health plan costs. The use of aggregated health data was instrumental in finding some customized solutions for workers.

She says it was also critical to match any incentive programs to company culture, a task somewhat more difficult as Elkay has manufacturing sites in more than a dozen very different and often remote parts of the country. In some rural sites, hunting and fishing licenses were seen as extremely valuable commodities, or even Jiffy Lube coupons for oil changes.

Partington also shied away from gamification efforts, given employees’ limited access to email and smartphones, and also did not establish fitness challenges as a company-wide initiative. She says she also had to be mindful of other cultural differences: Championing the company’s successful tobacco-cessation efforts at a manufacturing site in the middle of tobacco-growing country, where employees’ spouses and families were often employed in that business, required a bit of extra sensitivity.

In the end, by personalizing the incentives and communication, Elkay has created an almost $1,200 differential in its better-health insurance rates, resulting in a 20% savings. Of 636 employees tracked with a litany of five serious current or potential health indicators, Elkay produced a 76% reduction in those health issues. And 77% of employees taking part in more personalized health tracking met their personal health goal in the second year of the enhanced program.

“Change is hard,” Partington says. “So you gotta talk a lot.”

Workforce participation: Entering later, staying longer

Originally posted October 3, 2014 by Nick Otto on https://ebn.benefitnews.com.

Retirement patterns are changing globally. As a result, providing employees greater retirement security and financial literacy can help employers cultivate a less stressed, healthier and more engaged workforce.

To fend off employee concerns about retirement savings, Shane Bartling, a senior retirement consultant at Towers Watson, says benefits managers should work to use impactful approaches to set smart retirement savings habits.

“Showing employees the age when their resources will maintain their lifestyle [and their] financial independence, provides a clear, personal and emotional motivation to save,” he says. That pre-retirement sweet spot, which the consultant firm dubs “the FiT Age,” can be reinforced with “emotionally impactful, personalized communications to drive behaviors, since auto-enrollment and auto-escalation may fall well short of what is needed.”

During the mid-to-late 20th century, labor force participation rates dropped for older workers and rose for younger ones. These trends have recently reversed, especially among men and younger workers.

More recently, a chart from the Senate Budget Committee shows that almost 1 in 4 Americans in their prime working years, between the ages of 25-54, are not working which could drastically affect changes in how and when an employee can eventually retire.

The trend of longer working careers is expected to continue, possibly even intensifying, according to recent Towers Watson survey results. On the other hand, those who are unemployed today require more and more education, resulting in many young adults putting off a potential job in favor of additional education. Typically, employees delay or take a break from labor force participation by spending more time in school.

Meanwhile, to assist employees to build better saving habits, Bartling advises that employers educate the advantages of increased tax efficiencies for workers which would provide for a stronger retirement. “Tax treatment of Social Security and post-retirement medical premiums makes Roth 401(k) and health savings accounts highly attractive for many workers, including [those in] middle income levels; tax efficiency alone may pay for a year of retirement,” he says.

“The risk of a workforce that is stuck, due to employee retirement financial shortfalls, merits re-examining how benefits are delivered,” he adds.  “Evaluate the business case for more efficient retirement benefit delivery,” adding that just matching contributions may not be the most efficient way to deliver benefits.

10 states with the highest uninsured rates post-ACA

Originally posted on https://ebn.benefitnews.com.

While the uninsured rate has dropped to a record low of 13.4% nationwide, according to Gallup figures, rates differ dramatically across states. Here are the 10 states with the highest uninsured rates in the aftermath of health care reform implementation, according to WalletHub.

A decreasing rate of uninsured Americans shows the Affordable Care Act has impacted the number of individuals with health care coverage, but that impact varies widely by state. We’ve already highlighted the 10 states with the lowest uninsured rates post-ACA. Here are the 10 states with the highest uninsured rates, according to WalletHub, which analyzed data from the Kaiser Family Foundation, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the U.S. Census Bureau. Seven states were excluded from analysis because of data limitations.

10. Georgia

Pre-ACA uninsured rate: 21.66%

Post-ACA projected uninsured rate: 18.16%

Difference before and after: -3.50%

9. Wyoming

Pre-ACA uninsured rate: 18.92%

Post-ACA projected uninsured rate: 18.29%

Difference before and after: -0.63%

8. Oklahoma

Pre-ACA uninsured rate: 19.76%%

Post-ACA projected uninsured rate: 18.33%

Difference before and after: -1.43%

7. Alaska

Pre-ACA uninsured rate: 20.48%

Post-ACA projected uninsured rate: 18.96%

Difference before and after: -1.52%

6. Nevada

Pre-ACA uninsured rate: 26.52%

Post-ACA projected uninsured rate: 19.58%

Difference before and after: -6.94%

5. New Mexico

Pre-ACA uninsured rate: 24.29%

Post-ACA projected uninsured rate: 19.59%

Difference before and after: -4.69%

4. Florida

Pre-ACA uninsured rate: 24.73%

Post-ACA projected uninsured rate: 19.61%

Difference before and after: -5.12%

3. Louisiana

Pre-ACA uninsured rate: 22.41%

Post-ACA projected uninsured rate: 20.91%

Difference before and after: -1.50%

2. Mississippi

Pre-ACA uninsured rate: 18.11%

Post-ACA projected uninsured rate: 21.46%

Difference before and after: 3.34%

1. Texas

Pre-ACA uninsured rate: 26.8%

Post-ACA projected uninsured rate: 24.81%

Difference before and after: -1.99%

5 root causes of disengagement

Originally posted on https://ebn.benefitnews.com.

The one-size-fits-all communications approach is ending, but employee engagement is still an issue for many employers. Alison Davis, of employee communication firm Davis & Company, identified five root causes of deteriorating engagement, which she shared with attendees at this year’s Benefits Forum & Expo.

The shredded employment contract

Since the recession, employees are losing confidence in the security of their jobs. Workers feel there has been a shift and that employers are holding more of the cards. According to Gallup, the number of actively disengaged workers increased to 24% in organizations that have recently laid off employees. Additionally, Towers Watson notes that 72% of companies have reduced their workforce in response to the recession.

Lack of trust in leaders

According to Towers Watson, fewer than two in five employees have confidence in senior leaders. People are skeptical and often have a wait-and-see attitude to what leaders have to say. Employees are saying “let’s wait and see what really happens,” Davis says.

Demographic attitudes

Another, and probably the biggest, challenge revolves around the different attitudes of the three primary generations in today’s workforce, says Davis. Baby boomers are burnt out and display a negative attitude in their exchanges with co-workers; Gen Xers are balancing work and home life responsibilities; Millennials have an “all about me” attitude and are somewhat impatient about moving up (or across) the corporate ladder. The average length of tenure out one job for a millennial is 2.6 years, and by the age of 27 they will have already worked four different jobs.

Mad men management

Employers are trapped in a 1950s mindset. This can be seen in the organizational charts that show a top-down hierarchy. The decision-making is done at the top, and general access to information is scarce, even as corporate leaders talk about transparency.

The way work gets done

We’re in a 24/7/365 mindset where an employee is always on the job. Employees never feel quite done or that they can ever shut it down, which affects their work-life balance and causes them to feel disengaged.

The components that will make or break a wellness plan

Originally posted October 1, 2014 by Elizabeth Galentine on https://ebn.benefitnews.com.

When shopping around for a wellness program partner, it’s the details that matter. All comprehensive wellness platforms should consist of four core programs — wellness, disease management, EAP and work life components — says Yale Mallinger of wellness company HMC-HealthWorks, but it’s what makes up those components that will make or break a plan. Therefore, advisers must do their due diligence when choosing a wellness provider to work with, he says.

For example, most reputable wellness companies will offer two types of diagnostic questionnaires, behavioral and medical, but advisers should request to sample those tests themselves, Mallinger says. “You should be able to go to their portal and participate, get a score, test it out,” he told attendees during a breakout session Tuesday at EBA’s Workplace Benefits Summit.

Mallinger also recommended breaking down the diagnostic testing process itself. For medical testing, ask the vendor if blood tests are done intravenously, through a finger prick, or both and what the benefits of each method are for a particular employer client. Some employers will want the instant results that a finger prick can provide, while others will be willing to wait a week or two for more comprehensive results from lab, says Mallinger, project director at HMC-HealthWorks.

Then, for clients interested in the lab testing route and submitting the testing to their insurance carrier as a preventative health measure, Mallinger recommends going even further by having their insurance company do a trial run with that billing code to ensure it works.

The whole package

As you look at potential wellness partners, consider whether or not the company offers unbundled plans, Mallinger continues. Although he says “it does no good to put a wellness program in place if you don’t take care of all the problem [areas] for employees,” such as debt management and legal assistance, not every employer will want the top-tier package.

Presenting the benefits of a wellness plan in an unbundled format allows the clients to pick and choose for themselves, he says. Such benefits include:

  • A personal health and wellness portal;
  • A health library;
  • Health risk assessments;
  • Mobile app capabilities;
  • Reporting capabilities;
  • Diabetic supplies;
  • Concierge services;
  • Coaching services;
  • Disease management;
  • Biometric screenings;
  • Employee assistance programs, and more.

Additionally, as far as mobile technology, every wellness company has an app — “it’s what they do with it and what you can do with it” that counts, Mallinger says.

Some apps have the ability to report a range of statistics to employers, such as what people are reading or if they take a health assessment, he explains, adding that such reports are beneficial not only on an annual basis but also quarterly.

In turn, Mallinger says some wellness companies are primarily software-focused, so advisers should be sure to analyze the type and quality of any wellness coaches they provide. What kind of training do they have? How are they certified? “Take the time to break it down,” he says, and never be afraid to ask for credentials.

There are currently at least three lawsuits related to wellness plans going through the U.S. court system, Mallinger points out, so advisers should also be cautious that plans are in compliance with the Affordable Care Act, Americans with Disabilities Act and others.

Saxon Broker-Dealer Named 2014 Broker-Dealer of the Year

Cambridge honored six out of last eight years for this highly coveted honor 
Investment Advisor magazine’s annual poll of Rep-Advisors’ judging their Broker-Dealer

Cincinnati, OHIO – Saxon Financial Consulting announced today their broker-dealer, Cambridge Investment Research, Inc., was named by Investment Advisor magazine as ‘2014 Broker-Dealer of the Year in Division IV’ – the division representing independent broker-dealers with over 1,000 producing advisors. The honor is based on the results of the annual poll conducted by the magazine in June of this year. Cambridge has earned this honor six of the last eight years, and was previously honored in 2013, 2012, 2010, 2008, and 2007 as Broker-Dealer of the Year in Division IV and in 2003 for Division III.

“Being named Broker-Dealer of the Year is important to us because it means hundreds of our advisors felt strongly enough about Cambridge to take the time and engage in this poll,” said Eric Schwartz, Cambridge Chairman and CEO. “We are in the business of serving our advisors and the greatest reward in the service business is being complimented about your service and valued for your services. For this we are most appreciative and greatly humbled.”

“Service, service, service – our service for our advisors is always foremost in our minds and actions,” said Amy Webber, Cambridge President. “The Broker-Dealer of the Year honor is an honor and a measure of success we consider along with our own annual satisfaction survey and other meaningful industry polls. We continually raise our very high standards for service and we are thrilled we continue to earn high marks from our advisors.”

Cambridge’s honor is based on receiving high marks in all categories, and a composite score that was highest among its peers. Several thousand credentialed voters – representatives of independent broker-dealers – cast ballots, and those broker-dealers that gained the highest composite scores were awarded the honors in four different divisions based on their number of producing rep-advisors. The winning broker-dealers are profiled in Investment Advisor’s September 2014 issue and online via ThinkAdvisor.

“We thank each and every advisor in our Cambridge family for this honor and vote of confidence. Each vote is important and tells us that we are giving independent advisors the commitment they deserve, and the leadership they need for their success as independent business owners,” said Schwartz.

About Saxon Financial Consulting 

Saxon provides comprehensive employee benefit and wealth management services to our clients. Whether you are a CEO, Small Business Owner or head of household, we utilize a team approach in analyzing and planning a client’s investment portfolio, cash flow, retirement and benefit/insurance needs. Our recommendations are based solely on your specific needs, circumstances and goals.

We consistently monitor your goals and offer education to ensure your plan stays on course to meet your needs. The partners have over thirty years of investing and benefit experience and are active members of the community.

Our mission is to partner with clients to establish and achieve financial goals through objective planning and management of assets and/or employee benefits.

Our purpose is to help build, manage and preserve your financial and physical wealth. We put our client’s interest first, act with integrity and honesty, and strive for excellence in every facet of our practice.

Our success is not measured by performance statistics but rather by our clients’ success in achieving their goals.

Our philosophy is to provide our clients with the highest level of service and technical expertise in the management of employee benefits and/or preservation of wealth. The entire staff of Saxon Financial Consulting is firmly committed to this philosophy.

Contact: Saxon Financial Consulting @ 513-573-0129
Registered Representative, Securities offered through Cambridge Investment Research, Inc., a Broker/Dealer, Member of FINRA/SIPC. Investment Advisor Representative, Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc., a Registered Investment Advisor. Saxon Financial Consulting and Cambridge are not affiliated.

Check out the background of firms and investment professionals on FINRA’s BrokerCheck.

About Broker-Dealer of the Year

According to ThinkAdvisor.com, The rules for Investment Advisor’s Broker-Dealers of the Year readers’ poll remained the same in their 24th annual contest. Only producing representatives of the independent broker-dealers that appeared in their June 2014 Broker-Dealer Reference Guide were eligible to vote in online balloting on ThinkAdvisor.com from June 1, 2014 through July 1, 2014. Each voter was vetted by Investment Advisor editorial staff to ensure compliance with the “one person, one vote” principle and that each voter was, in fact, registered with FINRA as an independent contractor registered representative of the broker-dealer for which they voted. Those BDs that received the highest average rating from their own reps were deemed Broker-Dealers of the Year in four different divisions based on the number of reps. this ensured the BDs in each division competed against similar-sized rivals.

7 ways to keep your sanity during open enrollment

Originally posted on https://ebn.benefitnews.com.

‘Tis the open enrollment season in the benefits world. For many benefit managers, that means stress, panic and very long days (and nights). But there are ways to make this time of year less frantic and more productive.

1. Don’t go it alone.

HR cannot run open enrollment in a vacuum. So lean on consultants and communication pros to craft your messaging. Turn to senior leaders for top-down messaging on why changes are happening. Bring in your benefit vendors to explain the impact of changes and walk employees through the enrollment process. Like many things, open enrollment takes a village, so use yours.

2. Get your data ducks in a row.

Few things can set off a fire drill like systems crashing and just plain misbehaving – especially with online enrollment. Get ahead of the game by partnering with IT to determine how people will enroll, how data will be handled and how it needs to flow between departments (like HR and payroll). Map out contingency plans and decide who will be on point if things go awry.

3. Get real and get personal.

Be straight-up with employees about what’s changing, why and what they need to do. No spin. No sugar. If you’re making significant plan changes this year, use personas to help people understand how this will affect them. And provide decision guides that walk them through all the variables (particularly deductibles, co-payments, HSA contributions, covered services and provider network details) so they can make the best choice for themselves and their families.

4. Make it a conversation. Then listen hard.

We all put a ton of blood, sweat and tears into benefit planning and open enrollment communications – so much so, that it can become a bit of a one-way street. Keep in mind that this is a time when employees are sitting up straight and paying attention. Ask for their feedback. How do they feel about what’s changing? The benefits overall? Why? What could be done differently? Whether you’re talking with employees at a town hall, engaging with them over social media or asking for their honest responses to a survey, really listen to what they have to say, thoughtfully respond and act on their feedback as much as you can.

5. Start planning for next year now.

We know – right now, it’s all you can do to stay focused on the enrollment at hand. But it’s less daunting than it sounds: what we’re suggesting is that you take employee feedback and lessons learned from this enrollment period and start compiling them for next year. That might be possible benefit changes, new benefits to add or ways to communicate differently. You know what they say about the early bird … and in this case, the sooner you nail down what 12 months from now looks like, the more proactive (and effective) you’ll be when it comes to next year’s systems and communications.

6. Make it a challenge!

Why not make open enrollment fun – and an opportunity to earn points and prizes? Launch an Open Enrollment Challenge and reward employees for taking various actions, like attending an open enrollment info session, updating beneficiary details and enrolling by a certain date. Or plan an Open Enrollment Walk, where people can head out for a stroll with HR and colleagues, giving them an opportunity to ask benefit questions along the way (and make time afterward too).

7. Take care of you.

Although you may feel like you just don’t have time to take a break, right now you need it more than ever. Along with those enrollment meetings, town halls, social media replies and survey reviews, block time for yourself on the calendar. Go for a run, head out for a relaxing healthy lunch, read a great book, meditate, take a yoga class – whatever makes you happy and keeps you sane.

Employers face crackdown over worker misclassification

Originally posted September 29, 2014 by Michael Giardina  on https://ebn.benefitnews.com.

Since the onset of the recession, there has been a surge in worker misclassification litigation and enforcement against employers that are trying to effectively manage their finances, but are incorrectly classifying their workers. There is also concern around the Affordable Care Act’s employer mandate, which may make misclassifications a tempting alternative to offering group health coverage.

The Department of Labor and the Internal Revenue oversee the federal Fair Labor Standards Act, which establishes minimum wage and overtime pay standards and how much private and public employers should pay their employees. At the state level, there are also a slew of regulations that can make any HR professional or benefit plan sponsor concerned.

Linda Doyle, trial partner at international law firm McDermott Will & Emery, says many employers with large teams of individuals in one category – such as trainers in the tech world or sales representatives in product and promotion businesses – have asked how they could come under the ACA’s coverage limits. This has been an area she’s been docking a lot of analysis in.

“There are benefits, but there are also huge costs and potential liabilities if you get this wrong,” says Doyle. “You know saving health insurance money is a way to avoid the teeth of the Affordable Care Act; it may be a laudable goal, but you may be just putting off extensive liability down the line.”

It doesn’t help that many employers are still trying to climb out from the recession.

“Particularly after the last recession, which I think we are technically are still in, there was a lot of headcount management,” Doyle explains. While noting that “‘temporary’ doesn’t necessarily mean ‘independent contractor’, or ‘work-from-home’ doesn’t mean ‘independent contractor’,” she says “there are really some employers that just don’t understand this is a category – even if the employee or individual agrees to it.”

Nancy Vary, director of the Knowledge Resource Center for Buck Consultants at Xerox, explains the ACA, and employee benefits needs in general, is an influence in these decisions.

“It all factors in, because if you’re an independent contractor, typically you’re not in a situation where you will not be receiving any kind of employee benefit,” Vary says.

In 2012, the National Employment Law Project stated that 10-30% of employers, or even more, misclassify their employees as independent contractors. This equates to millions of misclassifications and billions in revenue losses for state and federal governments. Because employers with independent contractors or other exempt employees are not tied to benefit and payments requirements levied by federal, state and local agencies, this is the conundrum, says Jeff Phelps, chief operating officer at Nelson Compliance, a consultant firm that helps employers figure out their contingent workforces.

“The problem is with independent contractors is, of course, employers are not contributing to the tax base for those individuals,” says Phelps. “That’s the No. 1 driver, that’s why you see the legislation and regulation getting tougher and more enforcement. They want to go after the misclassification issue, because they want to recover taxes that have not been made as well as [future] taxes.”

Phelps adds that typical employee protections afforded to employees such as the FLSA, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Family and Medical Leave Act are not offered to independent contractors.

The current severity of misclassification cases and costs, which employment lawyers will tell you rival what was seen in the dot-com era – especially after Microsoft agreed to pay the IRS $97 million to settle a benefits suit that included its independent contractors that were not allowed access to the company’s stock purchase plan.

“If you are an employer and you get this wrong, you have tax liability,” says Doyle. “You also have the problem that Microsoft faced years ago, if you call someone an independent contractor but they are really an employee, and your benefit plans give employees certain buckets of benefits, then you owe them those benefits.”

Under Employee Retirement Income Security Act plans, or state insurance plans, employees cannot waive their rights to benefits, says Doyle, even if they agreed to the exemption. She says a lot of employers rewrote their benefits plans in order to address the issue. But now, as 10 states enacted worker misclassification laws in 2012 and more than 14 regions did so in 2013 – including the District of Columbia – the topic is top of mind for employers.

Meanwhile, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2014, enacted in January, was authorized for just this purpose and the DOL has plans to award $10.2 million to fund worker misclassification detection and enforcement activities in 19 state unemployment insurance programs. “This is one of the many actions the department is taking to help level the playing field for employers while ensuring workers receive appropriate rights and protections,” says Thomas E. Perez, the U.S. secretary of labor.

“The DOL has engaged in quite a bit of outreach over the best few years but its focus in many respects has been on educating the workers, educating the employees and providing them assistance in filing complaints,” says Buck Consultants at Xerox’s Vary. But, “you get a sense where the DOL’s head is, and that’s not that different from many government agencies. They are, after all, in the enforcement business.”

Because each state regulation may vary, with some state laws being more strict than those at the federal level, Phelps says the independent contractor classifications, and misclassifications in general, are being labeled as “an unfair business practice.”

“All of those costs that an employer would have satisfy within the W-2, they don’t have to satisfy as a 1099,” Phelps explains.

But all employers want to know whether there will be some reprieve or clarification. According to Doyle, the DOL’s broad strokes of intervention, essentially audit programs and education programs, may help some uninformed organizations. Meanwhile, Vary adds that compliance audit of pay practices and time sheets can help employers skirt some of the liability going forward.

Because misclassifications are neither a function of HR departments or upper management, it’s a puzzle that has not been solved and will likely not be for a while, Phelps says.

“I don’t see anything coming down in terms of regulation that’s going to make this simpler,” says Phelps, who has spent more than 30 years in the human capital management industry. “All we’re seeing is greater enforcement.”


Nearly One in Four Employers Say Private Health Insurance Exchanges Could Provide a Viable Alternative for Full-Time Active Employees in 2016

Originally posted September 25, 2014 on https://www.insurancebroadcasting.com.

ARLINGTON, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Results of a July 2014 survey of midsize to large employers by global professional services company Towers Watson (NYSE, NASDAQ:TW) showed that 28% said they had already extensively evaluated the viability of private exchanges. Nearly one in four (24%) said private exchanges could provide a viable alternative for their active full-time employees as soon as 2016.

“Private exchanges are a relatively new path for many employers — one that has only recently become available to provide benefits for active employees”

The results are from the 2014 Towers Watson Health Care Changes Ahead Survey, which was completed by 379 employee benefit professionals from a variety of industries and reflect health care benefit decisions for 2016 – 2017.

The survey also revealed that the top three factors that would cause employers to adopt a private exchange for full-time active employees are:

Evidence they can deliver greater value than their current self-managed model (64%)

Adoption of private exchanges by other large companies in their industry (34%)

An inability to stay below the excise tax ceiling as 2018 approaches (26%)

Public Exchanges Not Considered Viable for Full-Time Active Employees

In contrast, nearly all employers surveyed (99.5%) said they have no plan to exit health benefits for active employees and direct them and their families to public exchanges, with or without a financial subsidy. More than three out of four employers (77%) said they are not at all confident public exchanges will provide a viable alternative for their active full-time employees in 2015 or 2016.

“Private exchanges are a relatively new path for many employers — one that has only recently become available to provide benefits for active employees,” said Dave Osterndorf, a managing director with Towers Watson’s OneExchange. “However, with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’s excise tax top of mind for large employers, and with the potential to cost companies billions of dollars unless they act now to keep the cost of health benefits below government-mandated thresholds in 2018 and beyond, new solutions are necessary. Even employers that have managed to keep increases in their health care benefit costs lower than industry averages are working very hard to maintain that success. Private exchanges offer employers a new opportunity to save on health care coverage with a reduced operational burden, which is the main reason they are more seriously evaluating them for their active employees.”

Data from the 2014 Towers Watson Health Care Changes Ahead Survey revealed that nearly three-quarters (73%) of employers said they are somewhat or very concerned they will trigger the excise tax based on their current plans and cost trajectory. More than four in 10 (43%) said avoiding the excise tax is the top priority for their health care strategies in 2015.

Osterndorf added, “Effective private exchanges can provide value in many ways. For example, as more employers move to account-based health plans, they can realize the promise of avoiding the excise tax while providing the added benefit of putting employees in charge of how their health care dollars are spent. Private exchanges offer more choice, including account-based plans, with the tools and support for helping employees make better health decisions, and recognize the connection between their physical and financial well-being. Employee understanding and engagement are critical to the long-term sustainability of an employer’s program. Private exchanges can accelerate the fulfillment of that goal.”

According to the 19th Annual Towers Watson National Business Group on Health Employer Survey on Purchasing Value in Health Care, released in March 2014, nearly three-quarters of respondents currently offer account-based health plans (ABHPs), with another 9% expecting to add one for the first time in 2015. Nearly 16% of respondents have adopted ABHPs as their only plan option, up from only 7% in 2012. Nearly one-third of all companies could offer ABHPs as their only option by 2015, if they follow through with current plans.

About the Surveys

The 2014 Towers Watson Health Care Changes Ahead Survey offers insights into the focus and timing of U.S. employers’ plans and perspectives related to their health benefits, and their efforts to better manage costs and employee engagement, as well as their planned responses to the business risks associated with the 2018 excise tax. The survey was completed during July 2014 by 379 employee benefit professionals from midsize to large companies across a variety of industries and reflects respondents’ 2014 – 2017 health care benefit decisions. The responding companies comprise a broad range of industries and business sizes, and collectively employ 8.7 million employees.

The 19th Annual Towers Watson/National Business Group on Health Employer Survey on Purchasing Value in Health Care tracks employers’ strategies and practices, and the results of their efforts to provide and manage health benefits for their workforce. This report identifies the actions of high-performing companies, as well as current trends in the health care benefit programs of U.S. employers with at least 1,000 employees. The survey was completed by 595 employers between November 2013 and January 2014. Respondents collectively employ 11.3 million full-time employees, have 7.8 million employees enrolled in their health care programs and represent all major industry sectors.


Towers Watson (NYSE, NASDAQ: TW) is a leading global professional services company that helps organizations improve performance through effective people, risk and financial management. The company offers consulting, technology and solutions in the areas of benefits, talent management, rewards, and risk and capital management. Towers Watson has more than 14,000 associates around the world and is located on the web at towerswatson.com.