Are you prepared for the inevitable DOL Audit?

Being audited is a huge burden without the right preparations and defense. For companies, being audited, demonstrating proof, knowledge and compliance of the requirements in their workforce is a lengthy and stressful process, particularly when you get caught off guard. Staying prepared every step of the way will take the weight of a possible audit off your shoulders.

Who gets audited? Despite what you may have be told, everyone is at risk.

Despite what many business owners believe, anyone can be audited. Whether you are under or over 100 employees, you’re just as likely to find yourself being audited by the DOL, and they don’t always send you a notice. Don’t take the chance of being surprised by any audit. DOL Defense from Saxon will help keep you on your toes when it comes to all those pesky compliance regulations.


The DOL doesn’t give you a chance to predict anything, leaving you in the dark and stressed about what you need to prepare for. You will stand a better chance of surviving the inevitable DOL audit with us on your side.