Where has 2013 gone?
Has 2013 left you with questions about Benefit Reform, Human Resources, Retirement Reform or what’s coming in 2014? Don’t worry! We have an expert from each department to answer your questions. See how talking with our experts can give you the insight you need during health care reform.
Event Details
Time: Lunch will be served at 11:30 a.m.
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When we say experts, we mean EXPERTS
Jamie Charlton and Frank Lopez were on a recent episode of Business Talk. Watch the video now to hear what they had to say about Health Care Reform, how it will effect you, and what employers need to know moving forward.
Jamie Charlton, CFP
Is it time to offer your employees more?
Show your employees that their company understands the impact this payroll tax change has had at home and that you are there to help them by offering a Financial Wellness Workshop.
We will come on-site to conduct a Lunch & Learn.