Originally posted by Elizabeth Halkos on https://www.purchasingpower.com

It’s a new year, and for millions of Americans that means New Year’s resolutions are in order. Many of us will promise to exercise more and eat less to lose weight in 2014. Some of us will set income or sales goals, and some will set goals for what they want to buy this year. Some goals may be to spend more time with friends and family, or even to take long-needed vacations.

Every year it seems we’re excitedly setting our New Year’s resolutions, but by mid-February, those promises are out the window. Why can’t most of us stick to those resolutions? Psychiatrist Sarah Vinson, MD, says many people quit in the first few weeks because they don’t see results. The best method, she says, is to break the resolution down into manageable goals.

Dr. Vinson said people should do three things when making a resolution:

1. Set manageable goals. Instead of saying “I will lose 50 pounds this year,” make a promise to work out twice weekly and have the goal of losing five pounds in a month.

2. Have an accountability partner to help you stay on track. Find someone with similar goals and tackle them together.

3. Determine the factors that prevented success in the first place. Think about what got in the way of you accomplishing the goal in the past, and fix it. For instance, if you plan to work out every morning, but can’t get up, try going to bed an hour earlier the night before.

Here’s to a prosperous New Year for all of us – and achieving our resolutions!