Older workers are staying in the job market. Here’s why
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the amount of employees over the age of 65 has risen by 697,000. With over two million jobs being created over the past 12 months with the help of the economy, the older generations are still wanting to be employed. Read this blog post to learn more as to why.
Older workers are sticking around the job market. This is why
The number of workers aged 65 and above increased by 697,000 as the economy created more than 2 million new jobs over the past 12 months, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics in this CNBC article. The spike in the number of older workers represents about 36% of the overall increase, reflecting a trend over the past 10 years. “The norms about working at older ages have changed quite a bit, and I think in a way that really is to the advantage of older workers who want to keep working,” says an expert.
What ‘Rothifying’ 401(k)s would mean for retirees
Clients will not benefit from a switch to a retirement system where contributions would be made on an after-tax basis even if it could result in bigger tax revenue in the near term, experts write in The Wall Street Journal. "Over their lifetimes, workers would accumulate one-third less in their 401(k)s under a Roth system. This is because, with no tax advantage from contributing to a 401(k), workers would save less and those lower contributions would earn less over the years," they write. Moreover, "lifetime tax revenue generated by the average worker under a Roth regime would fall 6% to 10%, compared with the current regime."
Stop 'dollar-cost ravaging' your clients’ portfolio in retirement
Retirees who stick to a 4% withdrawal rule during a market downturn are putting their financial security at risk, as their portfolio would not recover even if the market eventually improves, writes an expert in Kiplinger. Instead, seniors should focus on how much income they can generate from their portfolio, he writes. "[I]t means choosing investments — high dividend-paying stocks, fixed income instruments, annuities, etc. — that will produce the dollar amount you need ($2,000, $3,000, $5,000 or more) month after month and year after year."
Will clients owe state taxes on their Social Security?
Retirees may face federal taxation on a portion of their Social Security benefits — but they could avoid the tax bite at the state level, as 37 states impose no taxes on them, writes a Forbes contributor. "While probably not a big enough issue to warrant moving in retirement, it is something to consider when choosing where you want to spend your retirement," writes the expert. "At the very least, you need to know about Social Security taxation when figuring out how much additional income you will need to have in order to maintain your standard of living during retirement."
8 ways clients can start saving for college now
There are a few savings vehicles that clients can use to prepare for college expenses, but they need to consider the pros and cons, according to this article in Bankrate. For example, clients who save in a 529 savings plan can get tax benefits — such as tax deferral on investment gains and tax-free withdrawal for qualified expenses — but will face penalties for unqualified withdrawals aside from taxes. Parents may also use a Roth IRA to save for their child's college expenses, but these accounts are subject to contribution limits and future distributions will be treated as an income, which can reduce their child's eligibility for scholarships or assistance.
SOURCE: Peralta, P. (18 February 2020) "Older workers are staying in the job market. Here’s why" (Web Blog Post). Retrieved from https://www.employeebenefitadviser.com/news/why-older-workers-are-staying-in-the-job-market
What’s the Deal With 529 Plans?
It’s never too early to invest. A 529 Savings Plan, prudent financial direction, and steady contributions are paramount to a successful college fund. Due to the intricacies of the financial instrument, an advisor is recommended to guide contributors throughout the process. In this installment of CenterStage, Cyrus Dhatigara – an investment advisor representative – has presented new contributors with his advice on 529 Savings Plans and how they can be beneficial for costly tuition fees.
How are they beneficial?
The 529 Savings Plan is a great way to save money for college. First, there are comparatively high limits on the amounts that parents or grandparents can contribute. Second, these plans are tax free: unlike with a tax-deferred 401(k), funds are exempt from taxation once they are eventually withdrawn. Third, mutual fund companies that are affiliated with state Tuition Trust Authorities are able to offer professional management leveraging a diverse array of funds. Fourth, 529 Savings Plans allow contributors to change the focus of their investments, typically starting with an aggressive strategy during a child’s younger years and moving towards a more conservative approach when he or she gets older.
How much to start?
Parents would naturally like to know how they can foster such an investment. Most have the basic idea of what a 529 Savings Plan is, but not much more. Seeking sound financial advice should fill any gaps in proficiency. Also, there’s no excuse to wait – it takes a mere $25 per month to initiate a plan. Further, 529s can make use of automated checking account withdrawals to enable healthy growth. This is a flexible product, though annual contributions will likely need to increase on that basis. The maximum limit per child is around $300,000; parents can contribute whatever they want and supplement the fund via one-off investments from grandparents.
What do they cover?
Anything that’s necessary for class is covered: books, tuition, fees, and computers or iPads, among other things. In fact, a 529 Savings Plan even covers grad school. Since the investments are earmarked for higher education, money is transferred directly from the mutual fund to the university without any contributor intervention. As a result, parents shouldn’t be concerned about quarterly or semester requirements, and there isn’t room for IRS violations since their only further interaction is taking a receipt.
How can Saxon help?
Cyrus crafts strategic savings plans around children to help fund college tuition, while providing the tools for protection and investment. His largest passion project is an extension of the daily work he does. He revels in contributing financial education to all ages. Saxon’s goal is simple, to mold this program to fit contributors’ individual needs, right from the beginning. We know college savings plans are not one-size-fits-all. Whether you are looking to save for tuition, room and board fees, books, supplies or required computer equipment and technology, Saxon can help.
Please contact Cyrus Dhatigara with any questions you may have on 529 Savings Plans. You can reach him at 513.236.9334 or send him an email at cdhatigara@gosaxon.com.
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Saving For Your Children's Education
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This month’s CenterStage features Kevin Hagerty, a Financial Advisor at Saxon. With over 18 years of experience specializing in financial planning solutions, Kevin provides his best advice on educational funding, specifically on 529 Savings Plans.
Educational Funding from Every Angle
In the long run, saving for your children’s education is considerably less costly than borrowing money later. Now more than ever, parents and grandparents are interested in alternate forms of schooling, such as private school. This means educational debt takes place long before college and is why President Trump implemented tax law changes to allow 529 Savings Plans to be used on more than just college.
A key benefit of 529 plans is the potential for compounded, tax-free growth on account funds. Similar to other investments, the earlier the account is started and left untouched, the more funds can grow over the years.
Kevin says, “Whether it’s a car, a TV, a refrigerator, education, retirement, or healthcare – the cost of everything continues to increase.” Having savings to fall back on through the 529 Savings Plan is immensely helpful but most importantly, it gives you options. One of the most frequently asked questions by parents is when they should start saving for their children’s education, and the unfortunate fact is – with inflation – you’re likely already behind. It’s tough for parents, especially new parents, to juggle the high costs of every little thing. “I recommend plugging estimates into an online cost calculator,” Kevin suggests. “Nowadays, those calculators will take into consideration everything – from taxes to inflation to annual income. It’s a great way to see how much a parents’ savings account should aim for.”
What is a 529 Savings Plan?
“529 plans are versatile savings accounts that offer federal, and sometimes state, tax benefits. depending on the state you live in, plans are operated in many different ways. You may be able to purchase prepaid tuition credits to use in the future or invest in mutual fund options that grow your 529 account value toward the future educational cost of your child.”
K-12 Educational Funding & Unused Funds
Kevin cites the 529 Savings Plan as one of the best educational saving plans on the market due to the new tax law changes. Under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, families can now use up to $10,000 annually on tuition expenses at a private elementary or secondary school, increasing educational opportunity for many families. Additionally, under this type of plan, anyone can contribute to the savings – not just the parents. So, family members who would like to help the kids out can contribute.
Many people mistake the 529 Savings Plan to just be for tuition, when in fact the list of eligible educational expenses that it covers is quite broad, including things like books, room, board and supplies. So, that expensive laptop your child’s school requires? Covered. Ask your advisor for a complete list. As far as unused funds in an account go, if you have more than one child and the first child doesn't use all the funds for his or her educational expenses, then you can transfer the funds into the other child's name.
Like most financial planning matters, what will ultimately benefit your family most will be unique to your specific situation. Working with a financial advisor, such as Kevin, to discuss factors unique to your situation and design an appropriate strategy can be easier than you think. Contact Kevin today at 513.333.3886 or shoot him an email at khagerty@gosaxon.com for more information.</span style>
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