Understanding Group Health Insurance
Health insurance can easily be defined as bookended in volumes of mystery. You know you need the coverage, you want to have the coverage for your employees, but chances are you simply do not know enough about it to make the first two points happen. For an employer thinking about introducing group health insurance to your employees, it can be unclear why you should provide something that is surrounded with much confusion. In this installment of CenterStage, Kelley Bell, a Group Health Benefits Consultant at SAXON, sheds some light onto the darkness that group health insurance so often casts.

What is Group Health Insurance?
In its most basic definition, group health insurance is a plan that covers all the employees who work for a given company or organization, and it potentially covers their spouses and other dependents. As the individual marketplace continues to change, Kelley noted the “increasingly difficult task of finding desirable plan designs, lower deductibles and doctors and hospitals that are in the network”. “Individuals with marketplace plans have even been told by many doctors and hospitals,” Kelley added, “that they will not accept the ACA plans from the individual marketplace. Here are reasons that considering a group plan makes more sense than leaving your employees at the mercy of the exchange:”
- Group Health Insurance has larger networks of doctors and hospitals.
- Employee premiums can be deducted pre-tax. The premium can be divided among pay periods, allowing them the convenience of paying less in from a total income perspective and allowing the premium to be broken in pieces versus a monthly sum income.
- The employer still selects the health insurance plan(s) to offer, thus choosing an appropriate plan for the staff versus allowing them to choose the “cheapest” that will hurt them financially if they need to pay for the large deductible.
- Employer contributions are tax deductible, allowing the company to save versus paying payroll tax on any compensation provided to the employee in lieu of offering health insurance.
Do I Need Group Health Insurance?
Why should you consider a group health insurance plan? Outfitting your team with health benefits simplifies the process for employees to include regular and urgent doctor visits, hospital stays and medical treatments such as physical therapy.
Health plans are the primary benefit (aside from compensation) individuals seek out when applying for employment. Your overall benefits offerings are crucial to your company or organization’s ability to attract and retain employees. Therefore, why would you not want to offer health coverage as a part of your overall compensation package?
Group health insurance involves assuming the shared risk and shared costs. Kelley defines shared risk as covering a multitude of individuals who are fairly, healthy people. “This can help keep your premium rates lower than individual plans whose rates are based solely on a person’s age and assumed risk versus the sharing of risk over a pooled premium. This relationship creates savings that reward good behavior,” Kelley said. Shared costs mean the premium can be shared between you the employer and employees. Employers have the flexibility of paying varying percentages of the premium, which could reduce the amount the employee pays versus the individual market premiums.
Working alongside a broker such as SAXON is highly recommended for smaller businesses. SAXON specializes in assisting employers with 1 to 50 employees on how to discover and purchase the benefits they need within their budget. SAXON begins each engagement process by listening to you – the employer – to develop and discover the best course of action for your business or organization. We have a proven history of discovering healthcare plans that are vital to the recruitment and retainment of talented employees.
Saxon’s Role When Considering Group Health Insurance
It is important to understand the needs of every client and educate their employees on how to use their healthcare. SAXON values client education and service above all else. We make educating employees a priority and ensure their benefits are understood and easy to use, making them value the relationship they have with you that much more. SAXON represents you, allowing us to secure the best plans and rates for you and your staff, which we review annually.
If you are considering offering group health insurance to your employees, contact Kelley Bell today at (513) 774-5493 or (937) 672-1547 or via email at kbell@gosaxon.com to begin exploring the benefits of adding this superior level of coverage today.