Tired Of Playing The Health Care Reform "What If" Game?
Sign up for our "Health Care Reform in Black & White" series. This series is intended to cut through the noise and confusion to deliver JUST THE FACTS related to Health Care Reform once a month straight to your inbox. Stay in the loop with important conversations and potential changes that could impact you with simple comparisons, highlights and updates on ACA and AHCA.
The Trump Effect
The future of Health Care Reform is up in the air and the road to changing it will likely be a long one.
As President Trump challenges the status quo in Washington, D.C., CEOs, CFOs and HR decision-makers are preparing for how his administration could impact the employee benefits industry. Campaign will focus on the current state of repealing and replacing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), the likelihood of corporate and individual tax reform, how federal paid family leave could become a reality, and other important issues.